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2016年2月10日 星期三


9 Little-Known Facts Based on Solid Proofs That Can Change Your World View 

A few examples of obvious 'cracks in the matrix' that can help see through the other side


1. Mainstream history dates the discovery of Antarctica to early 19th century, and its complete mapping to the 20th century. However there are countless maps dating several centuries before, which clearly show very accurate mapping of Antarctica, many of them even show the map of the land underneath the ice :

1. 主流歷史學界認為人類在19世紀發現南極洲,然後在20世紀完成南極洲的地圖。然而好幾世紀前的史書就有收錄無數的非常準確的南極洲地圖。許多地圖甚至包括冰層以下的陸地:


2. One of the biggest and most powerful country in history (until 1775 roughly), Tartaria, is mostly unknown nowadays, because its history makes the official history of our planet, which is full of lies, impossible. This vast and powerful
country is depicted on countless official maps and referenced in many texts from back then :

2. 韃靼利亞在公元1775年前曾經是人類其中一個史上疆域最廣、國力最強盛的國家。大多數現代人卻都不知道這個國家,因為這個國家的歷史會讓官方版本的地球歷史像是一連串荒誕不經的謊言。許多1775年前的官方地圖和文獻都有記錄這個強盛的大國:

3. In the late 30s and early 40s, Henry Ford's company was building cars running on hemp fuel, with a shell made of hemp which was 10 times stronger than steel, as shown in this footage from 1941 :

3. 1930年代晚期到1940年代初期,福特汽車公司曾經出產過大麻車。這種車款使用大麻提煉的生質燃料和硬度比鋼鐵強十倍的大麻車體。這裡有1941年拍攝的記錄影片:

In fact hemp was widely used for centuries until it got outlawed at the same time as cannabis, although hemp is not cannabis, but its close cousin which has no THC in it.
Its widespread use is clearly shown in this 10 dollar bill from 1914 depicting hemp field on its back
Other alternatives to petrol for fueling cars were introduced back then, as shown in this footage of an electric car in the streets in France in 1942
The only reason why these alternatives are so rare and less efficient nowadays is because of suppression, lack of funding, etc. Hemp can produce higher quality, cheaper, and environmental friendly clothes, paper, all forms of plastic, housing, etc.





4. Three of the most important and famous power structures in history, the White house in DC, the Versailles Castle in France, and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, are aligned in an exact straight line. That line even aligns perfectly with the design of Versailles and its water canals :


On top of that, the distance between Versailles and the White House is 3333 nautical miles (99,7% accurate), and the distance between Versailles and the Dome of the Rock is 3333 kilometers (99,6%).
Anybody can verify this in google maps. There are many other similar alignements on our planet.


5. The central district in London, UK, called the 'city', is, just like the vatican, an independant territory that does not belong to the UK. The monarchs of England actually need an authorization from the 'mayor of the city of London' (who is not the elected mayor of London, but the owner of the corporation who owns the 'city') everytime they enter the 'city'. 


6. Jim Morrison was one of the most famous musical figures of the 60s as the singer of the band The Doors. His father was actually the general of the US army in charge of the Vietnam war, and of the false flag that started it. 
Jim grew up on a military base, just like many other famous musical figures. For example, Frank Zappa's father was "a chemical warfare specialist assigned to – where else? – the Edgewood Arsenal. Edgewood is, of course, the longtime home of America’s chemical warfare program, as well as a facility frequently cited as being deeply enmeshed in MK-ULTRA operations. Curiously enough, Frank Zappa literally grew up at the Edgewood Arsenal [...] The family later moved to Lancaster, California, near Edwards Air Force Base, where Francis Zappa continued to busy himself with doing classified work for the military/intelligence complex. His son, meanwhile, prepped himself to become an icon of the peace & love crowd."

Other famous musical figures with similar cases include the Beach Boys, Crosby Stills and Nash, and many others :

  Many of these musicians were frequently hanging out with the Manson family, including the Rolling Stones, no wonder one of their most famous album is called 'their satanic majesty's request'.
There are many other examples with more recent musicians, all of which show the wide involvement of the MK ultra program in music and other celebrity scenes since the 50s.

6. 吉姆•莫里森是1960年代最富盛名的創作歌手和門戶樂團的主唱。他的父親正好就是策動東京灣事件,隨後指揮越戰的將軍。 
吉姆其他音樂明星一樣從小在軍事基地長大。法蘭克•扎帕的父親是派駐在埃基伍德軍工廠的化學武器專家。美國長年在埃基伍德軍工廠研究化學武器。這座設施和MK-ULTRA 腦控研究也有千絲萬縷的關連。歷史弔詭的地方就在於:弗蘭克•扎帕從小在埃基伍德軍工廠長大,隨後舉家搬遷到加州的蘭開斯特市。儘管父親—弗蘭西斯‧扎帕接著鄰近的愛德華空軍基地為軍事情報圈進行機密工作,兒子--法蘭克•扎帕卻將自己塑造成宣揚愛與和平的時代人物。


這些音樂明星之中有許多人經常和共濟會家族出遊,例如滾石合唱團。這也難怪他們其中一張最有名的專輯會叫做” their satanic majesty's request “(撒旦陛下的考驗)

許多近代音樂家也和共濟會家族有關。這些人都顯示音樂界和名流圈從1950年代開始就廣泛涉及MK ultra腦控計劃。

7. The Moon and the Sun appear the exact same size in our sky, because the moon is both 400 times smaller than the Sun, and 400 times closer to us than the Sun. This is the reason why eclipses are possible.
Also the Earth turns 400 times faster than the Moon, and the Earth circumference is roughly 40000km. There are many other repeating numbers and synchronicities in the universe.

7. 月亮和太陽在地球的天空上是同樣的大小。這是因為月亮比太陽小400倍,而且月亮離地球的距離比太陽近400倍。這也是地球上看得到日蝕的原因。


8. Wim Hof has become famous recently for breaking records such as staying in extreme cold conditions without changes in his body temperature, climbing mount Everest with no clothes on except a pair of shorts, etc. He has shown that he can change his hormone levels, body temperature, remove disease from his body, etc, simply with the power of his mind and breathing techniques. All of this has been done while being strictly scientifically monitored. What's more, he repeatedly explains that everybody have the power to do this, he's taught his techniques to several people who have then shown the same results under scientific monitoring. All of these accomplishements aren't really new, especially for many traditions from Asia and other shamanic traditions around the world, however this is the first time it has been fully recorded scientifically.

8. 維姆‧霍夫最近成為打破世界耐寒記錄的冰人。他可以待在極度寒冷的環境,體溫卻不會下降。他可以只穿一條短褲攀爬聖母峰。他展示過自己利用意念和調息改變體內賀爾蒙指數、體溫和排除疾病的能力。他在展示的過程都接受嚴格的科學監測。他也表示每個人都有能力做到同樣的事情。許多接受過他本人指導的民眾在科學監測下也展現出相同的表現。這些成就並不是新奇的事情,特別是在亞洲地區和世界各地的薩滿都存在類似的做法。只不過,冰人是第一位全程接受科學儀器記錄的特異人士。

9. There are many archeological facts that make official history impossible. A very striking example is the big pyramid found in Nice, south France. It measured 50 meters high and was estimated to be about 4000 years old. It was destroyed in the 1970s to build a highway. It is well documented in pictures and texts from before then.

Another clear example is the Hypogeum in Malta, an underground complex completely carved out of stones under the earth. It is estimated to be at least 5000 years old, and that more than 2000 tonnes of stones were dug out to build it. When discovered by archeologists, 7000 skeletons were found inside, which were humanoid but had significant differences with the Earth humans as we know them now. All of these skeletons disappeared mysteriously, except a handful which were placed in the museum in Malta and well documented, and then disappeared from the museum in the 1980s.

The Kailasa temple in India was also carved out of rock, only it is much bigger, it is estimated that at least 200 000 tons of stones had to be removed to build it. How that was done is still a mystery.
Another example is this ancient quarry in Crimea showing rock cutting technique much more advanced than anything we have today.

9.許多考古學證據會使得官方版本的歷史像是天方夜譚。 一個振聾發聵的例子就是在法國南部的尼斯區發現了一座大金字塔。這座金字塔的高度是50公尺,距今約有四千年的歷史。 金字塔在1970年代因為當地要興建高速公路而被破壞,如今只剩下照片和文獻。




Bonus Fact : Love and Truth are the most powerful forces in creation, and they can solve anything ! Proof for that can't be presented though, everybody have to go make their own scientific tests and experiences.

額外加碼的事實:愛和真理是宇宙中最強大的力量。他們可以解決所有的問題! 關於這一點的證據不勝枚舉。每個人都可以親身實證和感受。

Liberation Now !

From Untwine
譯:Patrick Shih
By Dragone Uo