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2016年1月7日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 近況更新】2016-01-03

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 近況更新】2016-01-03

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Kuiper Ring, the network of physical Chimera bases in the outer Solar System, has been almost completely removed. Last remnants of the Chimera fleet are in disarray, scattered throughout the Solar System and hiding near the position of plasmatic nodes with the highest concentration of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs, using those bombs as a shielding mechanism.


When the physical Chimera network throughout the Solar system is disintegrating fast, the plasma accretion vortex with its strangelet and toplet bombs remains a far greater challenge at least for now.


As the power of Chimera decreases, there will be more exchange of intel between the top people of various positive factions without fear that this intel will be intercepted by the Chimera and without threat that Chimera will retaliate if top people of various positive factions talk too freely. Therefore the Resistance will soon release substantial intel to Eastern Agarthan network and to various Secret Space Program factions and some of that intel will then precipitate to the surface population. Most SSP factions were seriously mind-programmed against the Pleiadians and against other positive ET races and soon the Resistance will present them with solid proof of Pleiadian benevolence.


The Resistance will also give them technological know-how to remove nanites and other similar technologies that are falsely described as AI (artificial intelligence) . As someone has put it brilliantly in a comment on my blog: "Cobra was talking about robots and nanites (miniature robots) which were invented by the Chimera to control reptilians and humans. These robots and nanites can be so sophisticated and process information at such a high speed that they give the illusion or impression of being sentient, alive, and intelligent. But they are really just machines that are easily turned off."


A key defense factor against those technologies is a balance between emotions and mind. Those technologies can only manipulate a mind that has suppressed emotions and can not handle strong emotional currents.


On the surface of the planet, there is progress.


Cobra柯博拉【Solar System Situation Update 太陽系的近況更新】2015-12-20

Cobra柯博拉【Solar System Situation Update 太陽系的近況更新】2015-12-20

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light Forces have started to clear the Chimera bases of the Kuiper Ring and are thus beginning to disintegrate the main defense line of the Chimera which previously prevented the Light forces from taking full control of the outer Solar System. There will be drastic changes in the outer Solar System from now on until early January next year. It is not a coincidence that astrologically speaking, this will be a time frame of great progress:





People complaining about my previous post would need to understand that I am not God and I am not visiting outer Solar System on a daily basis and therefore intel about the Kuiper Ring was new to me as well. Nevertheless, it is not a big setback and operations of the Light Forces are progressing nicely. I would also suggest you not to wait passively for the Event, not to make your life dependent on it, but to work actively towards the planetary liberation. To refresh your memory, here are some things you can to when the Event comes:





Rob – 我們再次和光之大使Cobra在一起。感謝你來到節目中。和你分享行星行星形勢的更新和進展總是一件愉快的事。歡迎你Cobra。

COBRA – 謝謝邀請。很高興做這些採訪。

Rob – 似乎上次訪問之後巴黎就發生襲擊,現在又有聖貝納迪諾的槍擊假旗事件並且這件事似乎達到預期效果。已經有人在攻擊穆斯林群眾。你能不能談一下人們要如何克服這類負面的事情,我們能做什麼來撫平這個狀況。

COBRA – 很重要的是要明白那些襲擊只有唯一目的:讓人們陷入那個狀況裏,使這些事件的景象和思想形態縈繞在人們的腦海,讓人們的注意力放到這些事情上。通過大眾傳媒進行渲染這個做法很有效。他們殺幾個人,或者策劃殺幾個人,這個景象這個信息傳到大眾媒體,非常有效地降低人們的振動頻率並且讓人們遠離了建設性的行動而落入恐懼。對此唯一的治療方法是不讓這些事情停留在你的意識裏,讓它們過去。有更加重要的,對行星形勢有更大影響的事情在發生。重要的是專注於行星解放的目標以及在這個過程中你能幫到什麼,而不是關注那些襲擊。

Rob – 非常感謝。作為巴黎和聖貝納迪諾襲擊的結果,陰謀集團很積極地通過多個代理人,包括國會,推動一系列的法律限制活動和拒發簽証,以依法行政的名義實際上收緊新世界秩序NWO的絞索。你能否從抵抗運動的信息來減輕一下人們的恐懼...我意思是似乎他們打算從國內外限制人們的活動。你有什麼評論?

COBRA – 我不會說這些計劃沒有一項成功,但我會說他們絕多大數計劃不會成功。你看到他們一直在嘗試限制活動,觸發戰爭,用盡方法實行他們的NWO。但我可以說他們的NWO計劃,他們的目標是要在2000年完成。很明顯這沒有發生。他們本來計劃在2000年建立一個完整運作的全球極權政府。現在15年後他們仍然沒有成功,只有一個原因-光明勢力的存在,也就是我們,抵抗運動,各個種族的太空兄弟姐妹和其他很多正面存有每天都在阻止他們的計劃。所以我會說他們的計劃80-90%永遠不會問世,因為被阻止了。一些計劃某程度上成功,但從未完全成功。所以不管他們的計劃是什麼,大多都不會成功。當然,在這個行星解放之前我們無法保証,或者我們沒有辦法說他們所有計劃都被阻止了,但大部分會。我不會把太多注意力放在將有什麼要發生,他們要做什麼的恐懼上,而是更多地想想我能做什麼來加快解放進程,確保我們的勝利。

Rob – 謝謝。我建議很多人關了電視機。我收到人們很多痛苦的請求和基於恐懼的信息。我建議你關上你的電視,花更多時間在大自然並嘗試連接內在的自我。說起這個,我們來談談其他人的提問。很多人想知道當他們仍然在物理身體裏,怎樣才能感覺到自己的能量體,星光以太或者等離子體。你能不能推薦什麼方法?我建議人們用金字塔,水晶和激光。我想Cintamani石會有一些有益的效果。你能不能提供一些建議?

COBRA – 這個問題的核心是人們想知曉他們存在的其他面向,他們存在的其他更高維的部分。實際上每個人一直以來就知道。如果你有任何情緒,你感覺的是你的星光體。如果你在思考,你感覺的是你的精神心智體。如果你覺得任何類型的能量流過你的身體,如果你覺得疲倦或者極度活躍,或者其他能量狀態,你感覺的是以太體。所以人們已經感受到那些不同的面向部分。但這裏更重要的是知曉所有這些的源頭,也就是你的靈魂,高我,你的我是臨在。這是存在的狀態。你的這個"我是"是你的靈魂。所以我不會就如何連接這些面向給出任何特別的建議,因為已經有很多書談到,並且每個個體有自己達到那個目標的道路。我會說跟隨你最深層的靈感,最深的願景,然後你會到達那裏。

Rob – 謝謝。這裏有另一個問題。有人說凱史發文說會有一些地震。很明顯光明勢力會消除這些災難。似乎這些地震將要發生,最後卻沒事。你能否評論一下世界各地那些即將來臨的地震可能性,尤其是北美?

COBRA – 過去幾年的情況沒有太多改變。會有一些偶發的地震,因為地球能量網格需要釋放一些張力。光明勢力當然能吸收大部分衝擊,但不是全部。因為地球是一個有生命的實體,作為一個能量存有它不得不承擔所有陰謀集團和人類的雙重壓力。加上Chimera和等離子沖積漩渦,所有這些對行星能量體都是非常大的壓力。雖然有很多幫助,但某些壓力還是需要通過地震釋放。大部分地震盡可能發生在造成盡量少傷亡和損失的地方。

Rob – 很好,謝謝。另一個問題說到,作為這個行星上一個人類我們能不能取回缺失的DNA鏈,或者說大腦能100%地開發,我意思是與我們神聖自我結合?很明顯這是一個計劃。這

Cobra柯博拉【Solar System / Planetary Situation Update 太陽系/地球近況更新】2015-12-13

Cobra柯博拉【Solar System / Planetary Situation Update 太陽系/地球近況更新】2015-12-13

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants of the Cabal members with Tunnels of Set and this hinders their spiritual progress, but at the same time accelerates the clearing of the Cabal's implants and disintegration of the Yaldabaoth octopus plasma accretion vortex.


Many people are aware of the Chimera stations on moons and asteroids inside our Solar System. Here we need to understand that there are only a few hundred moons and a few million asteroids that are suitable to establish physical bases and only a fraction of those actually have Chimera bases present.


The Kuiper belt, on the other hand, is huge and has billions of potential bodies that are suitable to host a base and actually the vast majority of physical Chimera bases are positioned inside the Kuiper belt and form the so-called Kuiper Ring, the outer line of defense which protects the Chimera-controlled territories inside this Solar System against the liberation forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command.


The Kuiper belt is situated mainly in the ecliptic plane just outside Neptune's orbit. You can see a picture of officially discovered Kuiper belt objects, seen from above. The yellow dot represents the Sun, four red dots gaseous planets of our Solar System and the white and blue dots represent officially known Kuiper belt objects:


if we superimpose a map of the Chimera bases (the Kuiper Ring) on our picture of the Kuiper belt, we get this animation:


Operations to remove the Kuiper Ring of Chimera bases will start very soon. I will report about this as much as it will be strategically wise. Let not the number