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2014年8月17日 星期日


Remove The Slags, Asana Mahatari

Everything will fall down

Report: In the anticipation of an approaching thunderstorm, my beloved son NOAH and I sit on our terrace and observe the tinting firmament. In front of us the tall houses of a large city reach into the sky, as Noah pointing to the houses suddenly says to me: “These will all fall down…” After that I:“When will they fall down and why?” Noah: “You say it!”   
(End of report)


Beloved Ones, I am ASANA MAHATARI
We come closer and closer to the point, when all events, which have already occurred on the different holograms directly next to earth, will also discharge on this level. „Everything will fall down“ and this in one creative stroke.Prepare yourself, whereby you free yourself from the slacks of time. And the slacks are:


1.) Lack of Love 愛的缺乏

2.) Ignorance 無知
3.) Greed 貪婪
4.) Egotism 自負
5.) Blindness 盲目
6.) Hate 憎恨
7.) Fear 恐懼
8.) Arrogance 自大
9.) Falsehood 說謊
10.) Lack of Courage 缺乏勇氣

Beloved Ones! 

Remove these conditions in you, even if there are only trace elements left,  because the new world, after the old has “fallen down”, will get along without these attributes. 


A wind, at first lite and soft, increases to immeasurable strength, to let life die away and let life develop in an almighty storm.  


In the Eye of the Cyclone the Birth of the new Earth takes place. 
Understand this message, Because the Glory in God is near.
In Peace that I am ASANA MAHATARI 


通靈:Jahn J Kassl
翻譯:Nick Chan
By Dragone Uo