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2016年12月4日 星期日




今年7月本團隊很榮幸的承辦了兩場「柯博拉(Cobra) & 愛希斯.阿斯塔拉(Isis.Astara)」的台北/清邁揚升會議。這兩場會議史無前例的凝聚了華人區的光工,創造了許多重要的能量突破,也讓西方光工深刻體會到合一團隊的甚深感動及巨大力量!




【活動時間】:2016/12/10 (六)     >截止時間:12/07(三)

By Dragone Uo

Cobra柯博拉【PFC Japan 十一月日本團隊訪談錄】2016-11-28

Cobra柯博拉【PFC Japan 十一月日本團隊訪談錄】2016-11-28
Cobra Interview by Iruka Umino from PFC Japan

Iruka: 現在日本全國埋放了將近1000顆如意寶珠(Cintamani)。請問這些對日本的電漿層(等離子層)和乙太層有甚麼影響?

Cobra: 現在日本有大約八成的國土處於良好的狀態。日本在這方面的情況比大多數的國家都還好。


Cobra: 駐日美軍基地。

Iruka: 駐日美軍基地跟當地日本民眾的關係都不太好。這些駐日美軍有受到執政官影響嗎

Cobra: 位於電漿層的非實體執政官提供力量給涉及這些基地的負面人士。

Iruka: 如果我們把如意寶珠埋在核電廠附近,寶珠會產生甚麼樣的影響?

Cobra: 核電廠週圍的電漿場可以得到淨化。


Cobra: 天狼星人的個性活潑開朗。昴宿星人比較成熟穩重。

Iruka: 地球上有哪些從昴宿星或天狼星轉世的知名人士?

2016年11月20日 星期日

Cobra柯博拉【Cobra on GoldFish Report 金魚報告 - 柯博拉與A’drieiuous昴宿星人 聯合訪談】2016-11-11

Cobra柯博拉【Cobra on GoldFish Report 金魚報告 - 柯博拉與A’drieiuous昴宿星人 聯合訪談】2016-11-11

Louisa: 大家好,歡迎收聽金魚報告。我是聯合主持人Louisa。今天與我一起的是Steve以及我們的主持紅龍大使。今天報告的題目昴宿星人採訪,嘉賓是抵抗運動的Cobra和new lyra的A’drieiuous。兩位先生已經公開他們是昴宿星人,一位出生在地球,另一位不是。他們的背景在之前的金魚報告,Cobra的博客和以前的訪問已經公開。這次採訪希望深入了解一下這兩個有不同來歷的人。感謝你們來到金魚報告。Steve會問第一個問題。

Steve: Cobra,大選與最新的形勢有沒有關係?

Cobra: 不是直接有關。我會說執政官策劃了這個選舉的局勢來踐踏和分化美國人。他們想盡可能擴大兩極分化。

Steve: 你認為他們能不能成功的分化雙方?

Cobra: 他們一定程度會成功,但光明勢力一天24小時在工作讓人們冷靜下來,讓他們重新聚集在其他事情上,而不是只看選舉。因為那些選舉不是最重要的。特朗普(川普)和希拉莉

2016年11月18日 星期五

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 簡短近況更新】2016-11-18

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 簡短近況更新】2016-11-18

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are quite successful in severing the tentacles of the Yaldabaoth entity from its main body that is attached to Earth. On the other hand, clearing of the main mass of Yaldabaoth is a serious challenge and there is a severe war taking place on the plasma plane around the surface of the planet. In a desperate move, the Chimera is using military contractors to strengthen the technologies of the Veil to defend quarantine Earth from liberation:



The Pleiadians have achieved some further small victories in removing plasma scalar weapons from low Earth orbit satellites.


There is a lot of activity in Antarctica. The Light forces have increased their presence there and the other side has received a „warning.“


2016年11月16日 星期三

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 十一月訪談錄】2016-11-16

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 十一月訪談錄】2016-11-16
Cobra Interview by Prepare for Change

Lynn – 歡迎來到我們的每月Cobra信息更新。今天是11月8日星期二,美國大選投票日。自從上次採訪後我們看到雙方的很多行動。大財團不失時機地用廣告轟炸我們,慫恿我們給他們投票,或者告訴我們為什麼某些東西對我們來說是"壞的",不管是真是假。我希望每個人都去仔細研究那些議題,用自己的良心投票。我們現在還不知道誰會勝選,有一件事是肯定的,人民在覺醒,我們將會勝利!光的勝利!我們能做的是保持自信,冷靜和平靜。最好的方法是專注於冥想。現在我們有一個很好的機會顯化我們平靜。今天我們將以每周冥想和一般的冥想問題作為開始。

Lynn – Cobra,第一個問題:為什麼把每周事件冥想改為每周揚升冥想。有什麼不同?

COBRA – 因為情況已經改善到有必要作出這個轉變,因為我們現在的焦點不只是"事件"和壓縮突破,還有最終的目標就是揚升。我們用這個冥想來加速整個過程,因為這個行星的振動

2016年11月10日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【The Blue and the Event 藍龍和事件】2016-11-09

Cobra柯博拉【The Blue and the Event 藍龍和事件】2016-11-09

Now that the circus of the US elections is over, we can finally focus again on real intel.


The emergence of the Goddess DouMu to the surface of the planet a few years ago is the first sign of the return of the Light forces after their 26,000 years long exile. This was the first step towards the return of Agartha to the surface. Now the Blue are preparing the portals on the surface so that the Agarthans can contact the surface population again first energetically and then also physically after the Event.


For this purpose, many caves and cave entrances on the surface are prepared in a certain way that will be fully revealed at the Event.


2016年10月19日 星期三

Cobra柯博拉【Pleiadian Situation Update 昴宿星人近況更新】2016-10-17

Cobra柯博拉【Pleiadian Situation Update 昴宿星人近況更新】2016-10-17

The Pleiadians are regaining territory inside our Solar System fast and have already recovered to the degree that is comparable to the situation in May 2016. The Sirian and Andromedan fleet was not affected so strongly by the events in September and early October and was able to hold their positions better.


Every major setback is thus followed with a big leap forward. The Pleiadians are already setting a new Tachyon membrane positioned around the Earth at a certain distance inside the Moon orbit. This membrane is structurally similar to what some other people call the „outer barrier“. This new membrane will cut off the head of the Yaldabaoth octopus from its tentacles and drastically speed up the clearing of the Solar System.


The Pleiadians have also begun to contact non-incarnated humans in their afterlife on the higher astral plane.


The situation on the non-physical planes was quite challenging in the time frame between 1996 and 2016. After the big evacuation of the non-physical humanity in August 1999 only a few billions of non-physical humans remained on the etheric and astral planes around the Earth and many times more Reptilians.

Cobra柯博拉【Breakaway! 脫離地球!】2016-10-13

Cobra柯博拉【Breakaway! 脫離地球!】2016-10-13

The first public breakaway civilization initiative has been announced yesterday at a press conference in Paris:



If you feel guided to be one of the 100,000 people that are guaranteed to become citizens of Asgardia, you can register here:


As the applications are coming in very fast, it is expected that the 100,00 mark will be reached within 6-12 hours.


According to my sources this initiative is NOT connected to the Cabal, and the Eye of Horus symbol in their logo was added for the purpose of energetic protection of the project against the dark forces by the suggestion of a certain positive secret occult society.


If enough Lightwarriors and Lightworkers join the project, their group consciousness can ensure that this breakaway initiative will lead in the right direction, away from technological dystopia and more into spiritually aware society.


Victory of the Light!




譯:Patrick Shih
By Dragone Uo

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 九月訪談錄】2016-09-29

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 九月訪談錄】2016-09-29

Here is the September monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here:


Lynn – 歡迎Cobra來到我們九月的訪談。我想我們要談一下遙視,你熟悉遙視嗎?

COBRA – 是的。

Lynn – Farsight遠視學會進行了一個有趣的計劃,叫做時間穿越計劃。他們請來幾個遙視者在世界三個不同的地方,這些人自己進行一個閉門會議,他們自己給自己 進行會議錄像。他們在半個月前遙視過這個會議的進行,看看自己從這些會議中獲得什麼感知(perception)。

2016年10月10日 星期一

Cobra柯博拉【A Major Situation Update 重要近況更新】2016-10-09

Cobra柯博拉【A Major Situation Update 重要近況更新】2016-10-09

Parts of intel released in this report may be difficult or disturbing for some, but need to be released anyway.


Clearing of the Chimera group continues. After the Chimera has opened the war front inside our Solar System, the Light forces have lost a lot of territory on the plasma plane throughout the Solar System and the Pleiadian fleet had to retreat almost completely.


Some of that territory has been regained in the last few days and the Pleiadians are returning.


What has not been known previously to the Resistance is the fact that the physical biochips have not been cleared completely. There is a certain part of the biochips that has escaped all advanced detection and removal technologies of the Resistance and unfortunately every human being still has at least three of

2016年10月5日 星期三

Dragone Uo【守護 Get Protection】2016-10-05

Dragone Uo【守護 Get Protection】2016-10-05

By Dragone Uo

Cobra柯博拉【Cobra Interview with Untwine & Patrick from PFC Taiwan, Untwine & Taiwan Patrick 柯博拉聯合訪談】2016-09-28

Cobra柯博拉【Cobra Interview with Untwine & Patrick from PFC Taiwan】2016-09-28
Cobra, Untwine & Taiwan PFC Patrick 聯合訪談


Untwine : Welcome everybody to a new Cobra interview. So today we are doing a joint interview between me and Patrick Shih from Prepare for Change team of Taiwan. We are working to re-unite all the groups worldwide, and have them working together so we can have a network that can work together for the Event. So joint interviews like this are part of this effort. I was very impressed by the Prepare for Change teams in Asia, they are very organized and motivated, they do a lot of great work, so I think it will be very interesting to hear questions from their point of view. So welcome Patrick !

Untwine : 歡迎大家收聽柯博拉訪談節目。我今天要和台灣準備轉變團隊的Patrick一起進行聯合訪談。我們一起凝聚全世界的準備轉變團隊,並且組織一個共同為事件努力的人脈網路。這場聯合訪談符合這項宗旨。我十分佩服亞洲的準備轉變團隊。他們的團隊組織嚴謹;充滿向心力而且也有很多重要的實績。我想我們可以從亞洲團隊的觀點發覺到別開生面的問題。我們歡迎 Patrick !


2016年10月3日 星期一

Cobra柯博拉【龍族門戶點化 Dragon Portal Initiation】2016-09-26

Cobra柯博拉【龍族點化 Dragon Portal Initiation】2016-09-26

By Dragone Uo

Cobra柯博拉【Weekly Ascension Meditation Videos 每週揚升冥想影片】2016-09-22

Cobra柯博拉【Weekly Ascension Meditation Videos 每週揚升冥想影片】2016-09-22

Here are the Weekly Ascension Meditation videos in 16 languages:

English / 英語 :


Cobra柯博拉【Cobra on GoldFish Report 金魚報告 - 柯博拉與紅龍聯合訪談】2016-08-09

Cobra柯博拉【Cobra on GoldFish Report 金魚報告 - 柯博拉與紅龍聯合訪談】2016-08-09









2016年9月15日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【A Short Situation Update 簡短近況更新】2016-09-12

Cobra柯博拉【A Short Situation Update 簡短近況更新】2016-09-12


The Chimera group has used the September 1st annular solar eclipse as a trigger to reopen a negative plasma portal through the Congo energy vortex. You can see that the path of totality for the eclipse goes through Congo:


Exactly 67 minutes after the eclipse was over, the Chimera group has used a scalar beam weapon from one of their UAV craft to destroy Elon Musk's Falcon 9 in order to create a delay in the surface space programs that attempt to break the quarantine status for planet Earth:

2016年9月8日 星期四

【如意寶珠實體壓縮光網格 建置任務 近況報告】不定期更新

【如意寶珠實體壓縮光網格 建置任務 近況報告】不定期更新



After the Taipei Ascension Conference, Lightworkers all over the world bury the cintamani stones  every where to prepare for the moment of Compression Breakthrough!


參與詳情 請點閱我

If you are guided by intuition to help build up the light grid by burying Cintamani stones, please contact:goldenage777777@gmail.com

Right Now





來源:採集 Patrick Shih、Ira等各任務相關人員情報

By Dragone Uo



It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are upgrading our Weekly Event Meditation and transforming it into Weekly Ascension Meditation to reach as many people as possible to join us

大家是時候再度展開行動了! 這一次我們將拿回地球命運的主導權!我們都同意地球解放任務已經耗費了太過漫長的時間。現在我們有一個可以齊心加速任務進度的機會。我們要將每週事件冥想升級成每週揚升冥想並且讓盡可能多的民眾參與冥想。

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.


Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:



2016年8月20日 星期六

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 近況更新】2016-08-17

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 近況更新】2016-08-17

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Since mid-July, the concentration of toplet plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the Veil to appear. This means that plasma free of primary anomaly began to appear on the surface of the planet. This allows clearer vertical energetic communication with non-physical spiritual guides that will begin to contact the awakened part of humanity more and more.


Also, as the new cycle began in July, various positive Agartha groups have begun preparations for physical contact with the surface population. These preparations include some exact protocols which I will gradually release through my blog to the surface population.


Complexity wave analysis made by the Resistance Movement estimates about 20% probability that the Rothschilds will surrender before the Event. The Light forces are proceeding with their plans for the planetary liberation and are never waiting for the outcome of the surrender negotiations, those negotiations not being their primary focus.


2016年8月17日 星期三

ANtoAN【AN Conversion 安轉換/安塔里昂轉換】2016-08-07

ANtoAN【AN Conversion 安轉換/安塔里昂轉換】2016-08-07

AN conversion is a major process that our whole reality is going through. It is the process through which the Source, the One original creator, is bringing the whole of creation back into unity.

我們的現實社會正在經歷一場重要的轉變 – AN轉換。這個轉換指的是源頭將眾生萬物回到合一的過程。

The universe was created as a reflection of the One in which the One is exploring itself. The One is omnipresent in the universe, and yet at the same time it is beyond. The universe is only a mirror image of the One, which was created with a basic template : quantum dynamics. Quantum dynamics is a system in which the created matter oscillates between all possible potentials. The main factor that determines which potential manifests is Will.


The One is by definition perfect, whole and absolute. Perfection and wholeness means that everything is designed with purpose. However, by creating a system of exploration of all possible potentials, a potential was logically created as an opposite to purpose : randomness, also called contingency:


2016年8月2日 星期二

Cobra柯博拉【Terms of Surrender Update 陰謀集團投降談判的情報更新】2016-08-02

Cobra柯博拉【Terms of Surrender Update 陰謀集團投降談判的情報更新】2016-08-02

There are some clarifications that need to be made about the terms of surrender.


First, the mass arrest plan is still valid and in full force. The Light forces will not wait for any dark individual or Cabal faction to surrender, they will arrest them as soon as they can do that in a way that is safe for humanity to go through the transition. Those members of the Cabal that surrender before the mass arrests will have more favorable conditions. It is very unlikely that many individual members of the Cabal will surrender before the Event because they fear the revenge from other Cabal members, as they will be perceived as „traitors“.


2016年7月26日 星期二

Cobra柯博拉【Taiwan Ascension Conference Report 台北揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-24

Cobra柯博拉【Taiwan Ascension Conference Report 台北揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-24

Our Ascension conference was taking place in Taipei, the home base of many positive Dragon groups. The Blue, the White and the Black were together with us at the conference and the Plum were aware of our presence.


Our group was strong and focused and our physical and non-physical support team was more effective than ever and a certain breakthrough happened on the non-physical planes which indicates that the Veil will disintegrate „soon“.


2016年7月14日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【Terms of Surrender 陰謀集團的投降條件】2016-07-14

Cobra柯博拉【Terms of Surrender 陰謀集團的投降條件】2016-07-14

There are Cabal surrender negotiations taking place behind the scenes, and the general population has a right to know what is going on and to communicate their perspective. So here I am putting the terms of surrender for public review and discussion.


The Rockefeller faction will most likely fight until their bitter end, but the rest of the Cabal will surrender when it gets unsafe enough for them. Many positive factions are getting increasingly impatient and increasingly capable of removing the Cabal from the planet.


Whatever is negotiated with Rothschilds must be negotiated with Jesuits and Black nobility families as well. Chimera group is not involved in these negotiations.


2016年7月9日 星期六

Cobra柯博拉【The Taiwan Ascension Conference 2016 台北揚升會議報名】2016-07-09

Cobra柯博拉【The Taiwan Ascension Conference 2016 台北揚升會議報名】2016-07-09

We, IGAG (International Golden Age Group), will soon hold the Ascension Conference in Taipei, Taiwan with Cobra on 7/16-7/17. If you want to participate in this great time, the details are following:


- Taiwanese

  Conference Introductions: https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/06/09/4271/
  Booking Form: https://www.beclass.com/rid=193a0605758234bc7be1

  For Taiwanese participants, please fill out the Booking Form, and we only accept remittance. If you  have any questions for the payment, please contact goldenage777777@gmail.com.


 台灣區想報名的朋友,記得填寫報名表;台灣區會議款項部分只接受"匯款"。若有任何問  題,請來信 goldenage777777@gmail.com

-Not Taiwanese
 Conference Introduction: http://portal2012.org/Taiwan.html
 Booking Form: https://www.beclass.com/rid=193a0605758234bc7be1

 For foreigners, the introduction of the conference in English was posted on  Cobra's website. You have to pay the fee by paypal first, then remember to fill  out the Booking Form. If you need  further  information and assistance, please  contact goldenage777777@gmail.com.

- 非台灣區
  台北揚升會議介紹: http://portal2012.org/Taiwan.html

  非台灣區的朋友,英文版的會議簡介已經發佈在柯博拉的官網上了。請使用paypal方式付    款,並記得填寫報名表。若有任何問題,請來信 goldenage777777@gmail.com

Remind you, our seats are limited and the registration deadline is on 7/13(Wed.).

IGAG 國際黃金時代團隊:http://www.golden-ages.org/
By Dragone Uo

Cobra柯博拉【Thailand Ascension Conference Report 泰國揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-07

Cobra柯博拉【Thailand Ascension Conference Report 泰國揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-07

The location of our Ascension conference in Thailand was strategically chosen on an important Ascension vortex near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.



The conference was a wonderful success. We had a very dedicated and pure group of participants, mostly from Asia. Representatives of many "factions" were present at the conference. People in Asia are very open to the Goddess presence and much important work was done on subtler planes of creation. We were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us, and here you can see this cloudship which appeared above our conference venue on the first day of the conference:



This conference has opened many important doorways for the future.


Victory of the Light!



譯:Patrick Shih
By Dragone Uo

2016年6月28日 星期二

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 六月訪談錄】2016-06-20

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 六月訪談錄】2016-06-20

Lynn – 歡迎Cobra。

COBRA – 謝謝。很高興出席這些採訪。

Lynn – 今天我們有很多問題。

Richard – 感謝Cobra到來。我第一個問題是:我們聽說很多關於地球中心是什麼樣子的不同說法。很多人說那裏是中空的,有海洋和太陽。科學家說地核是岩漿組成。能不能告訴我們地球從核心到地表真正是什麼樣的。

COBRA – 科學家提出的模型一定程度是對的,但特別的是在外層所謂的地球表皮是蜂巢狀。這意味著那裏有隧道,洞窟,地下河和非常廣大海洋系統,其中一些地方有不同的文明居住。除了這一點,在物質層面上被廣為接受的科學模型很大程度是對的。

Lynn – 地表的水來自地球裏面?

COBRA – 這是一個複雜的系統。有一些水確實來自地表下,向地表匯合。有一些水來自大

2016年6月24日 星期五

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 近況更新】2016-06-22

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update  近況更新】2016-06-22

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Removal of the remaining plasma toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they are protected with quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar System. Quantum potential chambers are directed scalar torsion fields that create an accretion vortex for as much primary plasma anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs. These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons that are already known for decades:




Plasma primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam.

2016年6月16日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【Chania Conference Report and Two Cobra Interviews 甘尼亞揚升會議成果報告和柯博拉兩個訪談節目】2016-06-13

Chania Conference Report and Two Cobra Interviews

Our Ascension Conference in Chania was a huge success. It was located in one of rare places on the planet where pure Goddess energy is still present. From all our conferences until now, this one had the most Light and harmony present and everything was flowing with ease. This gave us a glimpse of taste of what our lives after the Event will be.


2016年6月3日 星期五

Cobra&Corey 柯博拉&柯里古德【雙柯訪談錄 第二部分】2016-06-03

Cobra&Corey 柯博拉&柯里古德【雙柯訪談錄 第二部分】2016-06-03

以下是是Rob Potter主持的柯博拉/柯里古德聯合訪談第二部分的逐字稿。





Rob Potter主持訪談專頁如下:


2016年6月2日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【AGN Veg 六月訪談錄】2016-06-02

Cobra柯博拉【AGN Veg 六月訪談錄】2016-06-02



AGN Veg.

2016年5月30日 星期一

2016年5月26日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 五月訪談錄】2016-05-26

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 五月訪談錄】2016-05-26

Lynn – ....現在歡迎我們的光之戰士,抵抗運動聯絡人Cobra,歡迎你。

COBRA – 再次感謝你的邀請。

Lynn – 好的。事不宜遲我們現在開始提問。

Richard – 你好Cobra,我是Richard,很高興又來到這個節目。你能否估計一下能支持物理3維生命的行星百分比?

COBRA – 我會說銀河系可能有10%或20%的太陽系都有一個行星能夠支持生命。我不是指類人生命形態,而是任何形式的生命。

Richard – 第三密度是否總是屬於更低的意識水平?

COBRA – 被佔領的行星才是更低意識水平,而物質層面或者3維只是精神的一個反映,沒有

2016年5月24日 星期二

Cobra柯博拉【Solar System Status Update 太陽系近況更新】2016-05-23

Cobra柯博拉【Solar System Status Update 太陽系近況更新】2016-05-23

The Oort cloud, which extends a few light years beyond the outer Solar System, is full of motherships of the Galactic Confederation, a large gathering of representatives of hundreds of thousands of positive races from throughout the Galaxy:



They have gathered here to assist in the Compression Breakthrough.


The Light forces (The Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, the Resistance...) are still working on dissolving the Chimera Barrier at the termination shock region of the

2016年5月9日 星期一

Cobra柯博拉【Event Situation Update 事件近況更新】2016-05-08

Cobra柯博拉【Event Situation Update 事件近況更新】2016-05-08

Rumors have been circulating across the blogospehere lately that the Event / Reset / RV / Restoration of the Republic has begun or is already happening. Those rumors are NOT based on reality and the situation is still business as usual:



Some people even claimed that I have said on the recent Ascension Conference that the Event has already begun. I have NEVER said that. Notes from that Ascension Conference that were published recently on several blogs are just about 70-80 % reliable, much intel is missing and none of the amazing energies from the conference are present, so it is much better for anyone interested to visit an Ascension Conference themselves, the first one coming in the beginning of June:


2016年5月3日 星期二

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 五月訪談錄】2016-05-03

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 五月訪談錄】2016-05-03

Lynn – 現在我來歡迎我們的光之戰士,抵抗運動聯絡人Cobra,歡迎。

COBRA – 謝謝你的邀請。很高興接受你們兩個訪問。

Richard – 謝謝。我知道你剛剛在4月16,17日舉行瑞士揚升會議。對我們這些無法出席的人,我想用一些問題作為開始。4月的瑞士會議對行星形勢有什麼影響?

COBRA – 很多觸發器將會首次被啟動,以開始鞏固揚升時間線。我們有一支非常強大的團隊,來自團隊的人們將傳播那股能量,並且已經把那能量傳播到他們自己家鄉的地脈線中。這是第一步。有更多即將到來。還有更多的會議,也有更多穩固這些時間線的能量啟動。

Lynn – 2016年4月10日伽馬射線出現峰值,這有什麼意味?

COBRA – 這表示外圍屏障,或者我應該說靠近柯伊伯帶的Chimera外圍屏障裏面開始溶

2016年5月2日 星期一

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 近況更新】2016-05-01

Cobra柯博拉【Situation Update 近況更新】2016-05-01

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Until now, the Chimera was controlling the flow of intel and communication between various factions inside our Solar System, threatening to activate strangelet and toplet bomb if information blockade would not be respected by all factions. This is how intel was compartmentalized.


Now this information barrier is slowly dissolving, various factions are beginning to communicate. The Pleiadians and other races belonging to Galactic Confederation are beginning to contact personnel in Chimera-controlled secret space programs (SSP) factions.


2016年4月27日 星期三

Cobra柯博拉【Ascension Conference Report 揚升會議成果報告】2016-04-23

Cobra柯博拉【Ascension Conference Report 揚升會議成果報告】2016-04-23

The location of our Ascension conference in Switzerland was strategically chosen on an important Pleiadian leyline that runs through central Switzerland.


The conference was a brilliant success. We had a very strong and unified group of participants from 22 countries. Balance between female and male energies was much more profound than ever and this signifies that Goddess is very much present on the surface of the planet and much healing is already done. A lot of new intel was released, and the energy work we did has further stabilized the Ascension timeline for the planet. We have also initiated the process of establishing future Contact Zones across the world.


This conference has opened a doorway for further Ascension conferences.
