The New Society Conference Part I
Irvine, California
Friday Evening 5.24.13
2013.05.24 星期五晚上
Cobra: Welcome everybody. Thank you so much
Cobra :歡迎各位,非常感謝你們!
I think the event hasn’t happened yet, that’s why we’re here. We are here to change that. The purpose of this weekend is to create a little bit of infrastructure for the society that is about to be reborn. Everyone here is a leader. I would like Isis here to share.
Isis: My mission and purpose is to share with you the Goddess energy. Show you the way of surrender. We will do more on Sunday, but also tonight.
愛希斯(Isis): 我的任務和目的就是和你們分享女神能量,告知你們如何臣服女神能量的方式。我們可以在白天多做,當然晚上也可以。
So Rob, we need you back. The most important moment is tomorrow. We will have the activation at 12:12. Tomorrow is the day. We are preparing tonight starting with the Lunar eclipse at 9:12 pm. You can see Mercury, Venus and Mercury in triangular Celestial alignments. We are going to ride those energies.
所以,Rob ,我們需要你回來,明天是最重要的時刻。我們將在明天中午12:12 啟動門戶。從今天晚上 9:12 開始,我們準備開始迎接月食。你可以看見水星,金星,和木星組成幾乎等邊三角形的幾何天體,這樣我們將能迎接這些能量的到來。
(Rob talked)
(Rob 開始說話)
We have aligned our energies a little bit to prepare ourselves for the next step, the opening of the portal. The eclipse is happening. Each portal is important because it raises the frequencies of the planet. It is a multi-dimensional spiritual event. Activating the portal allows the light forces to make an easy transition. We are creating a bridge, both physically and energetically. We are creating an emotional bridge and physical bridge by opening the portal. We will start forming groups in order to begin preparing the society to transform from the old to the new. We are creating a transitional society between the old and the new. No one knows what it will be like. We must get the old society gone. We must experience a bridge to connect the two. When The Event happens, you will know what to do. You will be trained. We will create this together. Each of us has one of the pieces of the puzzle. At the same time, we will open the portal.
There are many people around the planet that will assist. It is a strengthening of the light. The stronger the light is, the sooner it will happen. There will be many disturbed individuals when The Event comes. We will bring in the calm in the chaos and reveal how to bridge the old and the new before we get there.
The Lunar eclipse is within the next 10 min. This is the moment when the activation starts. You may have an interesting night. The moment of the lunar eclipse is the entry of the portal. Tomorrow, after the sunset, you will see a triangle of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury forming, a triangle in the sky. This is an entry point for the energy to come to the planet. This energy goes through that triangle. Those planets filter that energy for humanity. We will be one more step closer to The Event. We will talk more about The Event tomorrow. The event is not happening today, nor tomorrow. Certain things must happen before The Event can happen. We are still clearing entities so people can go through without the negative influences. When this happens, The Event will occur. The portal is one very big step in that direction.
月食大概將持續10 分鐘左右。這個時刻,正是門戶啟動開始。你們將會有一個有趣的夜晚。月食的時刻也正是門戶啟動的入口。明天日落的時候,我們將看見木星,水星和金星組成一個三角形在天空,這是能量進入地球的入口點。能量將會穿過這個三角形,這些行星為人類過濾能量。我們將離事件更近一步。明天我們將討論更多關於“事件”的部分。“事件”不會發生在今天也不會是明天。在“事件”發生前,一些特定的事件必須先發生。我們仍然在清理一些實體,以便人們可以沒有負面影響的透過。當上述條件發生的時候,那麼事件就會發生。門戶開啟是朝向事件發生的前進一大步。
Also, there are some rumors about The Dinar. There will be no big financial changes before the reset. The whole thing needs to be shut down, and will happen at The Event, and not before. There will be no drastic changes.
目前也有關於第納爾( 博主注: 伊拉克貨幣) 的謠言,在重置之前,不會有大的金融變化。整個金融變化將會在“事件” 期間發生,並且需要被關閉(大概7-10 天),這些變化不會再“事件” 之前發生。這些變化也不會是劇烈變化。
It is a good time to be prepared more and more. When the event happens, nobody is really ready. It will be a surprise. It will be very intense. It will be a fast transition, but a good one. We have never experienced something similar in our lifetimes. It is not just happening on the surface of the planet. Cosmically, it’s the END OF DARKNESS, duality and polarity. We are going beyond that. This has huge consequences for the evolution of the cosmos. Many ET’s on the planet are watching, observing, and participating on some level. When the quarantine is lifted, we can interact. You will be trained for that and your call will be responded to. Many people are asking why they aren’t showing up. They are calling. It is simply because the cabal is quite nervous about us so they have to do it slowly and gradually. The Event has to happen before that, and then we will be free to have contact. We are here to bring humanity to this point.
現在是最好的時間來進行相關準備。當“事件”發生的時候,沒有人真正地準備好,這將是一個令人震驚事件,非常劇烈。這也將是一個快速的,良好的過渡階段。在我們一生中,我們可能從來沒有經歷類似的事情,也沒有發生過在此星球表面。從整個宇宙角度來看,這是黑暗的結束,也是二元對立、極性的結束,我們將越過此。這對整個宇宙的演化會產生巨大的影響。在這個星球上的許多外星人都在看著,都在觀察,也在一定層面上參與在。當隔離被移除,我們就可以和星際家人接觸了。你們因此會被訓練來迎接此變化,你們的召喚將會被回應。許多人會問,為什麼外星人不出現。原因很簡單,只因為陰謀集團很害怕我們,因為外星朋友將不得不逐步地,一步一步地來做。“ 事件”是必須在接觸之前發生,到那時我們將能和外星朋友自由接觸。我們在此為人類帶到這一個點上。
We will be in silence. Feel the eclipse energy. Feel the Beings of Light. (Silent Meditation) Tonight you might receive messages in your dreams.
A few more things regarding tachyon energy….This will help trigger The Event and help us align with the universe. We have to go back to the moment of creation, the Big Bang. It was a small bubble that exploded. It began to cool down and drop. The first wave form that was created was the tachyons. This is why it is our first connection to Source. Tachyons have very interesting characteristics. Wherever they are they create harmony. Because of that, they have a direct connection with Source and are the highest healing vibration.
Most of you have heard about the veil. Part of the veil is in the ionosphere. Because tachyons travel in waves of energy, the Galactic Central Sun is the source of tachyons and The Light for the galaxy. At this point, tachyons travel from the Galactic Central Sun to the Earth because there are not enough tachyons able to enter our realm. This is why there is not enough harmony on the planet. This is why I had to build a tachyon chamber. This allows us to get tachyon energy onto the Earth. Part of the Genesis 2 is connected to the surface of the planet. This is part of the process. The Pleiadians instructed me to build this chamber so we can start harmonizing human beings, harmonizing emotions, and human’s mind. Tachyons can do all of that, bringing us closer to the source of life.
I have brought some of those tachyonized devices with me. We formed a company. We place products into the chambers for 12 hours to get tachyonized. Tachyon water can be ingested. It detoxifies your body, balances the immune system, and aligns you with your Higher Self. Use 1/2 capful per day. In 2 months, you will empty the bottle and will have gone through several changes.
我已經有了一些超光速粒子設備,並成立一家公司。我們將東西放置在超光速粒子艙12 個小時來進行超光速粒子化。粒子化的水可以被攝取,它將幫助我們身體的排毒,平衡我們的免疫系統,並使得我們和我們的“高我”校準。每天只需要喝半杯這樣的粒子水。兩個月後,你將排毒乾淨,並經歷幾個變化。
We also have a cream to reverse the aging process. Here is another product to remove back pain and muscle pain. If you remove the source of the pain, you are back in harmony again. Here is a laser – a very powerful healing device. It is a very good thing. Cobra carries/sells a disc that helps you protect house. You put it by the fuse box and put it on your cell phones. The pendants are to be worn on the heart chakra. We use opals since they are the best physical matter that absorbs the most tachyon energy. It balances the chakra’s which influence your glands. We have a Glass with opal pendants. I have brought many crystals here with many purposes.
You can wear them in your pocket to protect you from harmful energies. Amethyst ones help to purify the body, mind, and emotions – and addictions. This can help. Rose quartz is good for healing hearts, emotions, and relationships. Aquamarine brings you to the 5th dimension. There are Sirius Star System stones. We have colorful chakra sets. Put the stones on a person’s chakras for 20 minutes. Isis, myself, and a producer have produced a CD to help people connect deeper with the Goddess energy. We will play some so you can have the goddess experience.
你可以帶著水晶在口袋裡,以防你受到負面能量的干擾。紫水晶可以幫助淨化身體,思維,情緒,以及成癮症,這會有幫助。玫瑰晶( 粉晶) 對於療癒心理,情緒和關係很好。海水藍寶帶你到第五維度。有天狼星星系統的石頭。我們有七彩脈輪組,將這些水晶放置在脈輪上20 分鐘,將會很有效。我和Isis, 以及生產商製作了CD 唱片,以幫助我們和女神能量能更深入地連結。我們將播放一部分,使得你們能對女神能量有所感知。
Isis: Hello. Now everyone feel more calm. The energies are very big. Be in your column of Light. Be with your inner voice. The moon is the feminine principle to help you go deep inside, the silence to find the answer and the deep connection with you. The goddess is the energy of the flowing surrender, the waves. The waves are coming and going. The only thing you can do is go with the wave. You can’t go against the water or the river. The only thing you can do is to surrender. Energies help us feel the divine feminine. The energies that are needed to heal Planet Earth and to liberate her is the goddess. This healthy divine feminine principles helps heal masculine energies. We were programmed by society, by The Cabal many millennium ago.
Isis: 大家好,現在每個人都感到很平靜,這股能量是非常大的。沉浸在你的光中,傾聽你內在聲音。月亮是女性能量的代表,將幫你深入其中,在平靜中找到答案,並與之深深建立聯結。女神能量是流動臣服能量,是一種能量波。這種能量流正來來去去,不停流動。你唯一能做的事就是隨波逐流,就好比你不能抵抗河水或水流。僅僅你能做的事是臣服。能量能夠幫助我們感受神聖的女性存在。療癒並解放地球的能量就是女神能量。這種健康的神聖女性能量將幫助療癒男性能量。多少萬年前,我們的心智是被這個社會,被這個陰謀集團給程序設計。
If we want a new society, we must surrender, both principles, the masculine and the feminine. Both are unhealthy. When the old society is ending, we don’t know the new energy. We need to surrender to our star brothers and sisters who helped liberate other planets. They need our cooperation, our openness, our guidance. We are entering into the spiral consciousness. Again, the only way to create a new society is through the spiral consciousness. We need to connect with star brothers and sisters. They need the vortex of The Goddess to come closer to their spaceships. That is the key. To understand that key is to go inside, into the silence. Now we can go into the silence. Close your eyes. (meditate). We will be going deeper into the Garden of Eden and The Holy Grail in Hawaii at the Goddess workshop. It is something new & special so join us.
如果我需要一個新社會,我們必須臣服,包括女性能量和男性能量。這兩種能量都不是很健康的表達。當舊社會將要結束的時候,我們並不知道新能量。我們需要臣服我們的星際兄弟姐妹,他們曾經幫助解放過其他星球。他們需要我們的合作,我們開放,我們的引導,我們正在進入螺旋意識。再強調一下,創造新社會的唯一方式就是透過螺旋意識。我們需要和我們的星際家人進行連結,他們需要女神漩渦能量能更接近他們的飛船,這是非常關鍵的。理解這個關鍵將會幫助進入內在,進入安寧。現在,我們可以進入內在平靜。閉上你的眼睛( 冥想) 。在位於夏威夷的女神工作坊中,我們將更深沉地進入伊甸園和聖杯。這是新的,而且很特別的事物,因此加入我們。
The New Society Conference 新社會會議會議記錄
By Dragone Uo