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2016年7月26日 星期二

Cobra柯博拉【Taiwan Ascension Conference Report 台北揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-24

Cobra柯博拉【Taiwan Ascension Conference Report 台北揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-24

Our Ascension conference was taking place in Taipei, the home base of many positive Dragon groups. The Blue, the White and the Black were together with us at the conference and the Plum were aware of our presence.


Our group was strong and focused and our physical and non-physical support team was more effective than ever and a certain breakthrough happened on the non-physical planes which indicates that the Veil will disintegrate „soon“.


2016年7月14日 星期四

Cobra柯博拉【Terms of Surrender 陰謀集團的投降條件】2016-07-14

Cobra柯博拉【Terms of Surrender 陰謀集團的投降條件】2016-07-14

There are Cabal surrender negotiations taking place behind the scenes, and the general population has a right to know what is going on and to communicate their perspective. So here I am putting the terms of surrender for public review and discussion.


The Rockefeller faction will most likely fight until their bitter end, but the rest of the Cabal will surrender when it gets unsafe enough for them. Many positive factions are getting increasingly impatient and increasingly capable of removing the Cabal from the planet.


Whatever is negotiated with Rothschilds must be negotiated with Jesuits and Black nobility families as well. Chimera group is not involved in these negotiations.


2016年7月9日 星期六

Cobra柯博拉【The Taiwan Ascension Conference 2016 台北揚升會議報名】2016-07-09

Cobra柯博拉【The Taiwan Ascension Conference 2016 台北揚升會議報名】2016-07-09

We, IGAG (International Golden Age Group), will soon hold the Ascension Conference in Taipei, Taiwan with Cobra on 7/16-7/17. If you want to participate in this great time, the details are following:


- Taiwanese

  Conference Introductions: https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/06/09/4271/
  Booking Form: https://www.beclass.com/rid=193a0605758234bc7be1

  For Taiwanese participants, please fill out the Booking Form, and we only accept remittance. If you  have any questions for the payment, please contact goldenage777777@gmail.com.


 台灣區想報名的朋友,記得填寫報名表;台灣區會議款項部分只接受"匯款"。若有任何問  題,請來信 goldenage777777@gmail.com

-Not Taiwanese
 Conference Introduction: http://portal2012.org/Taiwan.html
 Booking Form: https://www.beclass.com/rid=193a0605758234bc7be1

 For foreigners, the introduction of the conference in English was posted on  Cobra's website. You have to pay the fee by paypal first, then remember to fill  out the Booking Form. If you need  further  information and assistance, please  contact goldenage777777@gmail.com.

- 非台灣區
  台北揚升會議介紹: http://portal2012.org/Taiwan.html

  非台灣區的朋友,英文版的會議簡介已經發佈在柯博拉的官網上了。請使用paypal方式付    款,並記得填寫報名表。若有任何問題,請來信 goldenage777777@gmail.com

Remind you, our seats are limited and the registration deadline is on 7/13(Wed.).

IGAG 國際黃金時代團隊:http://www.golden-ages.org/
By Dragone Uo

Cobra柯博拉【Thailand Ascension Conference Report 泰國揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-07

Cobra柯博拉【Thailand Ascension Conference Report 泰國揚升會議成果報告】2016-07-07

The location of our Ascension conference in Thailand was strategically chosen on an important Ascension vortex near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.



The conference was a wonderful success. We had a very dedicated and pure group of participants, mostly from Asia. Representatives of many "factions" were present at the conference. People in Asia are very open to the Goddess presence and much important work was done on subtler planes of creation. We were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us, and here you can see this cloudship which appeared above our conference venue on the first day of the conference:



This conference has opened many important doorways for the future.


Victory of the Light!



譯:Patrick Shih
By Dragone Uo