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2016年4月27日 星期三

Cobra柯博拉【Ascension Conference Report 揚升會議成果報告】2016-04-23

Cobra柯博拉【Ascension Conference Report 揚升會議成果報告】2016-04-23

The location of our Ascension conference in Switzerland was strategically chosen on an important Pleiadian leyline that runs through central Switzerland.


The conference was a brilliant success. We had a very strong and unified group of participants from 22 countries. Balance between female and male energies was much more profound than ever and this signifies that Goddess is very much present on the surface of the planet and much healing is already done. A lot of new intel was released, and the energy work we did has further stabilized the Ascension timeline for the planet. We have also initiated the process of establishing future Contact Zones across the world.


This conference has opened a doorway for further Ascension conferences.


2016年4月15日 星期五

Cobra柯博拉【A Short Situation Update 簡短近況更新】2016-04-13

Cobra柯博拉【A Short Situation Update 簡短近況更新】2016-04-13

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have begun to dismantle the so-called Chimera barrier. Chimera barrier location coincides with the termination shock of the heliosphere in the outer edge of our Solar System:



Chimera barrier is the outer defense line of the Chimera group and consists of a fleet of motherships, connected to plasma toplet bombs. Its purpose is to prevent positive interstellar and galactic energies penetrating our Solar System. It is located just inside the outer barrier (as called by Corey Goode) / Tachyon membrane (as called by some other sources). Outer barrier /Tachyon membrane's location coincides with the heliopause in the outermost edge of our Solar System and is used by the Light forces to direct flow of beings and energies in and out of our Solar System.


Cobra柯博拉【The Syria Pentagram 敘利亞五芒星】2016-04-06

Cobra柯博拉【The Syria Pentagram 敘利亞五芒星】2016-04-06

The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.


Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.


This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).


2016年4月2日 星期六

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 三月訪談錄】2016-03-21

Cobra柯博拉【PFC 三月訪談錄】2016-03-21

Lynn – .....現在來歡迎我們的光之戰士和抵抗運動聯絡人Cobra,歡迎你。

COBRA – 謝謝,很高興回到prepareforchange.net的訪問。

Lynn – 很高興請到你來。今天我們有一些非常有挑戰性的問題。我們一些聽眾在提問方面很機智,這些問題有點困難。我們盡力回答到所有問題。現在我先提第一個問題。光明會不是一個真實的團體,只是一個標簽。光明會由3個組織構成:共濟會,耶穌會和玫瑰十字會。所以如果你想成為光明會一份子,你需要加入其中一個組織,並且要有錢。窮人不能加入光明

Cobra柯博拉【Cary Kirastar 三月訪談錄】2016-03-25

Cobra柯博拉【Cary Kirastar 三月訪談錄】2016-03-25

CARY: Hi,我是Cary Ellis,《21世紀超人》作者,這是我們的21世紀超人節目。今天我們有一個偉大的光之戰士Cobra,很高興今天你到來。

COBRA: 謝謝。很高興接受這個訪問。

CARY: Cobra,你了解全球事務的脈搏,我們知道你跟我們的銀河兄弟有很密切的合作,你也是光明勢力的聯絡人。我們很高興你來回答一些問題,在這個行星解放的偉大時刻為我們提供你對很多事情的看法。我們第一個屏幕上顯示你的網站有2200萬瀏覽量,你有很多追隨者,世界各地的人們都渴望知道這個轉變的時刻發生了什麼。你網站的名字是門戶,光之勝